今天用Outlook Express的IMAP功能收Gmail的邮件,结果OE报错:未知错误0x800CCC03。后来一查,原来GOOGLE停止了对安全性能不高的SSLv2的支持,所以要换用支持TLS1/SSL3安全连接的邮件客户端。原文如下:
Reportedly, Google stopped accepting SSLv2 connections. SSL2 has serious security problems, so you should upgrade to an email program that supports TLS1/SSL3. (SSL2 is not supported by Yahoo! or Hotmail either, but you can use it with AOL.) You can also use a program like Stunnel to provide the secure connection from your existing email program. 参见:http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/gmail/thread?tid=52eb6a4211175320&hl=zh-CN
解决方法: 很简单,换个邮件客户端就行了,Foxmail似乎也不行(见上面的链接)。我用的Opera自带的邮件客户端,ThunderBird也可以,其他的暂不清楚。
